About me

I am an associate professor in computer science at the University of Franche-Comté in team DEODIS (formely known as Cartoon) of the laboratory FEMTO-ST since 2012.

My area of research is focused on the scheduling of applications in parallel systems. I am currently working on the reproducibility and the generation of the instances when evaluating the performance of scheduling algorithms.

I was an invited researcher at Inria and the CNRS in team Roma between September 2016 and August 2018.

In 2012, I was a postdoc at Inria Rennes working on distributed storage systems and on the reduction of distruted data. In 2011, I was a teaching fellow at Ensimag studying desktop grids. I got my PhD in computer science at the University Henri Poincaré in 2010 on methods for coping with uncertainties in distributed systems (supervised by Emmanuel JEANNOT).

See my short and long resumes (in French) for more details about my background (short version in English).

My thesis is available here (in French) and the slides of my defense are here (in English).